Hello, my name is Ofuchi and I am sick of the internet.

Why a website?

Quite literally. I found myself getting screensick very often. I had a bad routine of waking up, rolling over, and opening LinkedIn. I ignored all the texts my friend sent, ignored my body's cry for movement, ignored the fact my day started at 3pm and my stomach was empty. I fell into the habbit of doing the exact opposite of what every mindfulness book would've told you to do.

When I would reach for my phone, I found myself on Instagram comparing my life with that of others, blah blah blah, all the sterotypical things people say about the internet. I found myself one day wishing I were a teen during the early 2000s, a feeling especially accentuated after watching Sean Wang's Dìdi. After listening to a couple podcast interviews with Wang and scrolling the Dìdi Instagram account, I remembered that I had a degree in Computer Science and the ability to build my own corner of the internet. So hello! :)

Who Am I?

Phonetically pronounced oh-foo-chee, I am a creator and creative who loves baking, writing, gardening, and listening to indie music.